VOLTHA Components: ONOS¶
A few different processes exist for releasing the VOLTHA project and componets. Some are released through github using branches/tags/downloads. Others are released as packages on maven central.
A jenkins job exists for releasing ONOS app
Maven central based release
Release process requires some manual steps.
Initiate a build with parameters for the target component.
Use repository name not name of the app itself.
Specify appVersion and apiVersion stored in the pom.xml file.
Job will modify pom.xml and create pull requests based on version strings.
NOTE: Two pull requests are created to modify pom.xml - One for release (x.y.z) - The second to revert to non-release version (x.(y+1).z-SNAPSHOT) - Approve and merge the release version while performing the release. - Once published approve the 2nd version change to re-attach the -SNAPSHOT suffix.
Version x.y.z-SNAPSHOT is the default non-release version.
Jenkins job will morph x.y.z-SNAPSHOT into x.y.z for the release.
A gerrit pull request will be created under the release requestor(s) name.
Approve the pom.xml pull request and merge.
Merge will trigger (https://jenkins.opencord.org/job/maven-publish_sadis/ for sadis app, similar link for olt and other apps) that publish the artifact in the staging repo on oss.sonatype.org, you need to release it.
Wait for build to complete
Merge the patches here https://gerrit.opencord.org/q/owner:do-not-reply%2540opennetworking.org
Publish sonatype staging to maven central:
Visit https://oss.sonatype.org
Login with ONF credentials
Search for org.opencord
Click on “Staging repositories” (in the left side navigation)
In the top right search for last part of the app name (eg: olt)
Click release (top left bar, small button)
Release all other apps/components (dependency hierarch):
Iterate over individual components in order of increasing dependency volume.
For ex olt depends on sadis
Begin by releasing sadis first
Once publishing has completed then olt can be released.
Verify expected dependent version has been released.
Modify pom.xml, update dep version(s) from x.z.y-SNAPSHOT to x.y.z
Commit and submit.