VOLTHA Architecture Overview¶
VOLTHA Component Diagram¶
A VOLTHA and ONOS deployment is comprised of two main groups of services, the infrastructure
made of storage,
message bus and SDN controller and a number of voltha stacks, each including voltha core, adapters and openflow agent.
All the components in the VOLTHA project are containerized and the default deployment environment is kubernetes
where they are installed through helm
The location of the kubernetes
cluster is not of a concern of the VOLTHA project per se, it can be deployed in a
data center, on the cloud or on the OLT box itself if the hardware is powerful enough, e.g. multi-chassis OLTs.
Proper considerations should be made by the operator around failure and resiliency of the system in any of these
different deployments. ONF recommends to deploy the kubernetes
cluster on a 3 node bare metal cluster located
close to the OLT(s) location, e.g. operator’s Central Office.
Alongside VOLTHA and ONOS, the Device Manager, a (optional) component which implements the Device Management Interface, can be deployed to support non VOLTHA related operations, e.g. OLT software update, through standard APIs.
The Infrastructure for a VOLTHA deployment contains, at the bare minimum:
cluster. Kafka is the messaging bus system used publish events to the outside listeners, such as the Operator’s OSS/BSS. The recommended deployment size is 3 nodes for failure and resiliency, but can also be a single node.An
cluster. ETCD is used as data store by the different VOLTHA components. The recommended deployment size is 3 nodes for failure and resiliency, but can also be a single node.
SDN Controller. ONOS manages the VOLTHA abstracted switch, installs traffic forwarding rules and handles different type of failures, e.g. port down events. ONOS comes with it’s own storage in the form of anAtomix
cluster. The recommended deployment size is 3 nodes for ONOS and 3 nodes for Atomix to achieve high avaliability and resiliency, but can also be a single node with no atomix.[Optional]
server. A radius server is required for the ATT workflow for EAPOL based authentication.[Optional]
tracing. Jaeger allows you to perform end-to-end distributed tracing of transactions across the different microservices, allowing for easier monitoring and troubleshooting.[Optional]
EFK (Elastic, Fluentd, Kibana)
stack. EFK allows enhanced log management. Fluentd will collect the logs and send it to Elasticsearch which will save them in its database. Kibana will fetch the logs from Elasticsearch and display it on a web UI.
An infrastructure comprised of 3 node clusters of each of the components (ETCD, KAFKA, ONOS) can support up to 10 VOLTHA stacks, where each stack is connected up to 1024 subscribers, located on a single OLT or divided over a handful of them.
A single VOLTHA stack contains several components, each interacting with one another through open APIs defined in protobuf within the voltha-protos repo:
. The VOLTHA core is the heart of the VOLTHA components. It receives requests from the Northbound, divides them in the proper sub-set of operations for each of adapters. Handles registration of the adapters and configuration information of ONUs and OLTs which it stores in ETCD, such as ports, flows, groups and other dataplane constructs. It also abstracts the OLT and ONU pairs as a switch in the form of alogical device
. Flows from the SDN controller are stored, decomposed by the core and sent as specific instructions to the correct adapter(s).
OpenFlow Agent
. The ofAgent as it is also known is responsible of establishing the connection between the SDN controller and VOLTHA core. It is the glue between the VOLTHA data model and the SDN controller, converting events coming from VOLTHA and instructions coming from ONOS between OpenFlow and gRPC calls. It’s completely stateless.
OLT adapter
. The OLT adapter is the key component for importing an OLT of any model into VOLTHA. The main purpose of this component is to interact with the physical OLT, receive it’s information, events and status and report them to the core, while at the same time receive requests from the core and issue them to the device. The olt adapter also abstracts the technology of the OLTs, e.g GPON, XGS-PON, EPON. The interface to the core is standardized in the voltha-protos and must be common for any adapter by any OLT vendor. The southbound interface towards the OLT and its software can be proprietary as it’s not seen by upper layers of the system. An opensource implementation exists in the form of the open-olt-adapter) which uses gRPC and the openolt.proto API as its means of communication to theopen-olt-agent
. Closed source adapter that use different SB protocols to the device, such as NETCONF, have been have been proven to work with VOLTHA with no changes required to the system.
ONU Adapter
. The ONU adapter is responsible for all the interactions and commands towards the ONU via OMCI, such as discovery, MIB upload, ME configuration, T-CONT and GEM port configuration and so on. The existing open source implementation voltha-openonu-adapter-go) includes a virtualized openOMCI stack, fully compliant withe G.988 spec stack. Any openOMCI compliant ONU can thus be connected to VOLTHA with no additional effort. For other technologies (e.g. EPON) or other Vendors other onu adapters that adhere to the voltha-protos can be brought in.
A VOLTHA stack is intended to be deployed for 1 up to a handful of OLTs with a total of 1024 subscribers connected. For multiple OLT scenarios many VOLTHA stacks can be connected to the same infrastructure, thus sharing storage, message bus and SDN controller.
Device Management Interface¶
The Device Management Interface is a protobuf Open API to allow an Operator OSS/BBS to manage aspects of the OLTs that are not under the control and pertinence of VOLTHA, for example software upgrade or component inventory. In a VOLTHA deployment one can (optionally) deploy a component implementing the Device Management Interface. The component of the architecture that implements the DMI interface can live in different places:
on hardware, in which case it’s a process running on the pyhsical OLT leveraging platfrom APIs (e.g. ONLP) to report information.
in the same kubernetes cluster as VOLTHA and the VOLTHA infrastructure, possibly leveraging the same Kafka Bus for events as well. In this case is will leverage some form of protocol (e.g. NETCONF) to communicate to the physical OLT
An exemplar implementation of the DMI with option 1 deployment can be seen on BBSIM