BBSim Configuration

BBSim startup options

BBSim supports a series of options that can be set at startup, you can see the list via ./bbsim --help

$ ./bbsim --help
Usage of ./bbsim:
  -api_address string
        IP address:port (default ":50070")
  -authRetry bool
        Set this flag if BBSim should retry EAPOL (Authentication) upon failure until success (default false)
  -bp_format string
        Bandwidth profile format, 'mef' or 'ietf' (default "mef")
  -ca string
        Set the mode for controlled activation of PON ports and ONUs (default "default")
  -config string
        Configuration file path (default "configs/bbsim.yaml")
  -cpuprofile string
        write cpu profile to file (default "")
  -delay int
        The delay between ONU DISCOVERY batches in milliseconds (1 ONU per each PON PORT at a time (default 200)
  -dhcpRetry bool
        Set this flag if BBSim should retry DHCP upon failure until success (default false)
  -dmi_server_address string
        IP address:port (default ":50075")
  -enableEvents bool
        Enable sending BBSim events on configured kafka server (default false)
  -enableperf bool
        Setting this flag will cause BBSim to not store data like traffic schedulers, flows of ONUs etc.. (default false)
  -injectOmciUnknownAttributes bool
        Generate a MibDB packet with Unknown Attributes (default false)
  -injectOmciUnknownMe bool
        Generate a MibDB packet with Unknown Me (default false)
  -omccVersion int
        Set OMCC version to be returned in OMCI response of ME Onu2G (default 163 (0xA3))
  -kafkaAddress string
        IP:Port for kafka (default ":9092")
  -kafkaEventTopic string
        Ability to configure the topic on which BBSim publishes events on Kafka (default "")
  -logCaller bool
        Whether to print the caller filename or not (default false)
  -logLevel string
        Set the log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error) (default "debug")
  -nni int
        Number of NNI ports per OLT device to be emulated (default 1)
  -nni_speed uint
        Reported speed of the NNI ports in Mbps (default 1000)
  -oltRebootDelay int
        Time that BBSim should before restarting after a reboot (default 60)
  -olt_id int
        OLT device ID (default 0)
  -omci_response_rate int
        Amount of OMCI messages to respond to (default 10)
  -onu int
        Number of ONU devices per PON port to be emulated (default 1)
  -openolt_address string
        IP address:port (default ":50060")
  -pon int
        Number of PON ports per OLT device to be emulated (default 1)
  -pon_port_config_file string
     Pon Interfaces Configuration file path  (default "")
  -pots int
        Number of POTS UNI Ports per ONU device to be emulated (default 0)
  -rest_api_address string
        IP address:port (default ":50071")
  -services string
        Service Configuration file path (default "configs/att-services.yaml")
  -uni int
        Number of UNI Ports per ONU device to be emulated (default 4)

BBSim also looks for a configuration file in configs/bbsim.yaml from which it reads a number of default settings. The command line options listed above override the corresponding configuration file settings. A sample configuration file is given below:

# Copyright 2019-2024 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors

# CLI arguments override values specified here.
# Commented values show defaults.

# BBSim specific settings
  enable_igmp: false
  enable_dhcp: false
  enable_auth: false
  openolt_address: ":50060"
  api_address: ":50070"
  rest_api_address: ":50071"
  controlled_activation: "default"
  enable_perf: false
  dhcp_retry: false
  auth_retry: false
  # legacy_api_address: ":50072"
  # legacy_rest_api_address: ":50073"
  # sadis_rest_address: ":50074"
  # sadis_format: att|dt|tt
  # enable_events: false
  # kafka_address: ":9092"
  # log_level: "debug"
  # log_caller: false
  # delay: 200
  # kafka_event_topic: ""
  bp_format: "mef"

# OLT device settings
  model: "asfvolt16"
  vendor: "BBSim"
  hardware_version: "emulated"
  device_serial_number: BBSM00000001
  pon_ports: 1
  nni_ports: 1
  uni_ports: 4
  onus_per_port: 1
  id: 0                 # OLT-ID of the device
  reboot_delay: 10      # reboot delay in seconds
  # firmware_version: ""
  # device_id: 0a:0a:0a:0a:0a:<id>
  port_stats_interval: 20 # in seconds
  # omci_response_rate: 10

# BBR settings
  log: bbr.log
  log_level: debug

Configuring RG Services

BBSim supports different services in the RG. Those services are described through a configuration file that is specified via the -services flag.

Below are examples of the tree commonly used configurations:

# Contains a description of the services that needs to be created for each UNI and the corresponding tagging scheme

workflow: att
- name: hsia
  c_tag: 900
  c_tag_allocation: unique
  s_tag: 900
  s_tag_allocation: shared
  needs_eapol: true
  needs_dhcp: true
  tp_id: 64
# Contains a description of the services that needs to be created for each UNI and the corresponding tagging scheme

# DT
workflow: dt
- name: hsia
  uni_tag_match: 4096
  c_tag: 4096
  c_tag_allocation: shared
  s_tag: 900
  s_tag_allocation: unique
  tp_id: 64
# Contains a description of the services that needs to be created for each UNI and the corresponding tagging scheme

# TT
workflow: tt
- name: hsia
  uni_tag_match: 35
  c_tag: 900
  c_tag_allocation: unique
  s_tag: 900
  s_tag_allocation: shared
  tp_id: 64
- name: voip
  uni_tag_match: 65
  c_tag: 444
  c_tag_allocation: shared
  s_tag: 333
  s_tag_allocation: shared
  needs_dhcp: true
  tp_id: 65
  configure_mac_address: true
  us_pon_c_tag_priority: 7
  us_pon_s_tag_priority: 7
  ds_pon_c_tag_priority: 7
  ds_pon_s_tag_priority: 7
- name: vod
  uni_tag_match: 55
  c_tag: 55
  c_tag_allocation: shared
  s_tag: 555
  s_tag_allocation: shared
  needs_dhcp: true
  needs_igmp: true
  tp_id: 66
  configure_mac_address: true
  us_pon_c_tag_priority: 5
  us_pon_s_tag_priority: 5
  ds_pon_c_tag_priority: 5
  ds_pon_s_tag_priority: 5
# NOTE: the multicast service must be called MC unless you set multicastServiceName to something else in org.opencord.olt.impl.Olt
- name: MC
  c_tag: 55
  c_tag_allocation: shared
  s_tag: 550
  s_tag_allocation: shared
  tp_id: 66
  ds_pon_c_tag_priority: 5
  ds_pon_s_tag_priority: 5
# TODO add mgmt service (same tagging scheme as void/vod), requires DHCP

Controlled PON and ONU activation

BBSim provides support for controlled PON and ONU activation. This gives you the ability to manually enable PON Ports and ONUs as needed.

By default both PON ports and ONUs are automatically activated when OLT is enabled. This can be controlled using -ca option.

-ca can be set to one of below four modes:

  • default: PON ports and ONUs are automatic activated (default behavior).

  • only-onu: PON ports automatically enabled and ONUs activated on demand

    On Enable OLT, IntfIndications for all PON ports are sent but ONU discovery indications are not sent. When PoweronONU request is received at BBSim API server then ONU discovery indication is sent for that ONU.

  • only-pon: PON ports enabled on demand and ONUs automatically activated

    On Enable OLT, neither IntfIndications for PON ports nor ONU discovery indications are sent. When EnablePonIf request is received at OpenOLT server, then that PON port is enabled and IntfIndication is sent for that PON and all ONUs under that ports are discovered automatically.

  • both: Both PON ports and ONUs are activated on demand

    On Enable OLT, neither IntfIndication for PON ports nor ONU discovery indications are sent. When EnablePonIf request is received on OpenOLT server then IntfIndication is sent for that PON but no ONU discovery indication will be sent. When PoweronONU request is received at BBSim API server then ONU discovery indication is sent for that ONU.

Pon Port and ONU on demand activation is managed via BBSimCtl. You can find more information in the Operate BBSim page.

Publishing BBSim Events on kafka

BBSim provides option for publishing events on kafka. To publish events on kafka, set BBSimEvents flag and configure kafkaAddress.

Once BBSim is started, it will publish events (as and when they happen) on topic BBSim-OLT-<id>-Events.

Types of Events:
  • OLT-enable-received

  • OLT-disable-received

  • OLT-reboot-received

  • OLT-reenable-received

  • ONU-discovery-indication-sent

  • ONU-activate-indication-received

  • MIB-upload-received

  • MIB-upload-done

  • Flow-add-received

  • Flow-remove-received

  • ONU-authentication-done

  • ONU-DHCP-ACK-received

Sample output of kafkacat consumer for BBSim with OLT-ID 4:

$ kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -t BBSim-OLT-4-Events -C
{"EventType":"OLT-enable-received","OnuSerial":"","OltID":4,"IntfID":-1,"OnuID":-1,"EpochTime":1583152243144,"Timestamp":"2020-03-02 12:30:43.144449453"}
{"EventType":"ONU-discovery-indication-sent","OnuSerial":"BBSM00040001","OltID":4,"IntfID":0,"OnuID":0,"EpochTime":1583152243227,"Timestamp":"2020-03-02 12:30:43.227183506"}
{"EventType":"ONU-activate-indication-received","OnuSerial":"BBSM00040001","OltID":4,"IntfID":0,"OnuID":1,"EpochTime":1583152243248,"Timestamp":"2020-03-02 12:30:43.248225467"}
{"EventType":"MIB-upload-received","OnuSerial":"BBSM00040001","OltID":4,"IntfID":0,"OnuID":1,"EpochTime":1583152243299,"Timestamp":"2020-03-02 12:30:43.299480183"}