Developing code with a virtual VOLTHA POD

A guide to install a virtual POD. This is generally used to gain familiarity with the environment or for development purposes.

Most of the helm and voltctl commands found in the Deploy a physical VOLTHA POD also apply in the virtual environment.



  • docker and go installed on your machine

  • kind-voltha cloned on your machine


Create Kubernetes Cluster

Kind provides a command line control tool to easily create Kubernetes clusters using just a basic Docker environment. The following commands will create the desired deployment of Kubernetes and then configure your local copy of kubectl to connect to this cluster.

kind create cluster --name=voltha-$TYPE --config $TYPE-cluster.cfg
export KUBECONFIG="$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="voltha-$TYPE")"
kubectl cluster-info

Initialize Helm

Helm provide a capability to install and manage Kubernetes applications. VOLTHA’s default deployment mechanism utilized Helm. Before Helm can be used to deploy VOLTHA it must be initialized and the repositories that container the artifacts required to deploy VOLTHA must be added to Helm.

# Initialize Helm and add the required chart repositories
helm init
helm repo add incubator
helm repo add stable
helm repo add onf
helm repo update

# Create and k8s service account so that Helm can create pods
kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}'

From this point follow the physical VOLTHA POD installation instructions. Come back here once done.

Install BBSIM (Broad Band OLT/ONU Simulator)

BBSIM provides a simulation of a BB device. It can be useful for testing.

helm install -f minimal-values.yaml --namespace voltha --name bbsim onf/bbsim

Create BBSIM Device

voltctl device create -t openolt -H $(kubectl get -n voltha service/bbsim -o go-template='{{.spec.clusterIP}}'):50060

Enable BBSIM Device

voltctl device enable $(voltctl device list --filter Type~openolt -q)

Developing changes on a virtual pod

We assume you already have downloaded the git repository you want to modify and your IDE is correctly set up.

In this tutorial we are going to use voltha-go as an example.

Make the required changes in the voltha-go repository (the process is the same for all the VOLTHA repositories) to the code and build the docker images and push them on your private dockerhub account:

$ DOCKER_REGISTRY="matteoscandolo/" DOCKER_TAG="dev" make docker-build

Then push them to your docker hub account:

$ DOCKER_REGISTRY="matteoscandolo/" DOCKER_TAG="dev" make docker-push

Deploy your changes on kind-voltha

Create a copy of the minimal-values.yaml file:

$ cp minimal-values.yaml dev-values.yaml

And edit that file so that it contains the appropriate values for the images you want to try, for example uncomment and change these two lines (mind the indentation):

    repository: matteoscandolo/voltha-ro-core
    tag: dev
    repository: matteoscandolo/voltha-rw-core
    tag: dev

Then redeploy kind-voltha using that the edited value file:

$ DEPLOY_K8S=no ./voltha down && DEPLOY_K8S=no EXTRA_HELM_FLAGS="-f dev-values.yaml" ./voltha up