Development Loop
Start with kind-voltha. installed.
Make changes
We assume you already have downloaded the repository you want to modify and your IDE is correctly set up.
In this tutorial we are going to use voltha-go
as an example.
Make the required changes in the voltha-go
repository (the process
is the same for all the VOLTHA repositories) to the code and build the
docker images and push them on your private dockerhub account:
$ DOCKER_REGISTRY="matteoscandolo/" DOCKER_TAG="dev" make docker-build
Then push them to your docker hub account:
$ DOCKER_REGISTRY="matteoscandolo/" DOCKER_TAG="dev" make docker-push
Deploy your changes on kind-voltha
Create a copy of the minimal-values.yaml file:
$ cp minimal-values.yaml dev-values.yaml
And edit that file so that it contains the appropriate values for the images you want to try, for example uncomment and change these two lines (mind the indentation):
repository: matteoscandolo/voltha-ro-core
tag: dev
repository: matteoscandolo/voltha-rw-core
tag: dev
Then redeploy kind-voltha using that value file:
$ DEPLOY_K8S=no ./voltha down && DEPLOY_K8S=no EXTRA_HELM_FLAGS="-f dev-values.yaml" ./voltha up