.. |voltha-latest| replace:: voltha_2.11
Release Process
This document describes the technical steps to create a new release of VOLTHA.
Creating the initial release
A release branch name is decided on, where all tagged releases will be created
in each repo. Historically this has been ``voltha`` followed by the Major and
Minor `Semver `_ version, such as ``voltha-2.3``,
etc. The rest of this section will use the ``voltha-2.3`` release as an
A branch named ``voltha-2.3`` is created on the voltha-helm-charts repo.
Release candidates will be created of each chart for the ``2.3`` release.
The action that indicates the creation of the ``2.3`` release is to changing
the `voltha
helm chart, and adapter charts with version: ``2.3.0`` specified in
``Chart.yaml`` within the `voltha-helm-charts
`_ repo.
Accompanying tests for 2.3 are created by creating a branch created named
``voltha-2.3`` on the `voltha-system-tests
repo. At release we create a tag ``2.3.0`` on that branch.
These two repos are the only ones receiving a ``2.3.0`` tag. Other repos that
contain individual components have their own versioning/release cadence, driven
by SemVer.
For all other repos that create components that go into the release, tags will
be created and ``voltha-2.3`` branches are created starting from the tag.
To allow for future patches to go into the repo in a way that does not conflict
with the patch version, each component repo's ``VERSION`` file should have it's
Minor version increased. (ex: ``1.1.x`` to ``1.2.0-dev``, so future ``1.1.x+1``
component release can easily be created).
Testing CI jobs will be created that check out the voltha-2.3 branch of the
repo, testing the charts as checked out with the ``voltha-2.3`` branch of
``voltha-helm-charts``. Patches on the ``voltha-2.3`` branch of components
that build containers will need to be changed to rebuild those containers and
test with the ``voltha-2.3`` branch of helm charts.
Creating point releases on a stable branch
If a fix is only needed to the helm charts:
- Make the fix on the master branch of voltha-helm-charts (assuming that it is
required in both places).
- After the master tests pass, manually cherry-pick the fix to the voltha-2.3
branch (the Chart.yaml version would be different, requiring the manual
- Cherry-picked patchsets on that branch will be checked by the voltha-2.3
branch of tests.
- When it passes, submitting the change will make a new 2.3.x release
If a fix is needed to the components/containers that are included by the helm
- Develop a fix to the issue on the master branch, get it approved after
passing master tests.
- Manually cherry-pick to the voltha-2.3 branch of the component, incrementing
the patch version, and test with the voltha-2.3 version of
voltha-system-tests and helm charts.
- Update helm charts and go through the helm chart update process above.
What changes can be brought into a stable branch?
For a change to be suitable for a stable branch, it has to be either a:
- Bug
- Non-code fix (documentation, build process)
- Security or compatibility updates (problem found in a dependency, upstream
software EOL, etc.)
Process to create a change on a stable branch
- Create a jira ticket for the problem and document the ``Affects Version/s:``
- field with affected version(s) ``VOLTHA vX.X``.
- Discuss and get consensus on the issue via the Voltha mailing list, in the
all-Voltha meeting, or on Slack about whether this fix should be brought to a
stable branch
- Create a fix, and go through the integration process to create a new point
What is a bug?
- Anything that causes a functional regression test (Robot tests) to fail
- Not a new feature!
- Severe issue (causes data loss or crash), or frequently occurring are
generally more likely to be accepted.
- Issues that are merely annoying and don't cause data loss or a crash, or
happen very infrequently or can't be reproduced may not be.
As a best practice, please add tests when bugs are found, if tests don't
currently cover the particular bug. Examples:
- Robot tests for integration-related issues
- Unit tests for code-level issues
API Deprecation policy
VOLTHA supports 2 release deprecation policy. Starting from ``voltha-2.9``
the APIs that are marked as deprecated are automatically removed.
For example an API marked as deprecated in ``voltha-2.9`` will be removed after
the ``voltha-2.10`` release and will not be present anymore in ``voltha-2.11``.
The removal process is intended to happen automatically, meaning no further notice of removal needs to be sent out.
The deprecated objects and APIs are marked in the `voltha-protos `_ using the
``deprecated`` construct from protobuf, as per `specification `_.
An example is ``int32 old_field = 6 [deprecated = true];``
Repos (lazily) branched for each release
- voltha-helm-charts
- voltha-system-tests
- pod-configs
- bbsim (also creates containers)
- voltctl
- aaa
- dhcpl2relay
- igmpproxy
- kafka
- mcast
- olt
- sadis
- mac-learning
- voltha-lib-go
- voltha-protos
Components (which build containers)
- ofagent-go
- voltha-go (rw_core)
- voltha-openolt-adapter
- voltha-openonu-adapter-go
- voltha-onos (includes ONOS Apps)