.. figure:: images/voltha.svg :alt: voltha- Release Notes :width: 40% :align: center VOLTHA 2.XX Release Notes ========================= Highlights ---------- Features & Improvements ----------------------- Bug Fixes --------- Test ---- Documentation ------------- As usual documentation is published on https://docs.voltha.org Known Issues ------------ .. list-table:: Known Issues :widths: 10, 40 :header-rows: 1 * - Jira - Description * - Placeholder - Placeholder Certification Program --------------------- Thanks to the Continuous Certification program at ONF we can also ensure that the following ONF member products are compatible with the VOLTHA 2.XX release: - Edgecore ASGVolt64 GPON OLT - Radisys 3200G GPON OLT - Radisys 1600G GPON OLT - Zyxel SDA3016SS Combo OLT Jira stories ------------ A full list of stories and bugs completed can be found under the `VOLTHA 2.XX `_ (`formatted `_) release page in Jira. | Component Versions in VOLTHA 2.XX release ----------------------------------------- Helm Chart Versions +++++++++++++++++++ This section refers to the macro charts to deploy the required infrastructure and a (or many) VOLTHA stacks: BAL Version +++++++++++ | Get Involved ------------ We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to the VOLTHA project, join the community! | Here are a few resources to get you started: Index/Entry points ++++++++++++++++++ - `https://docs.voltha.org `_ - `Getting Started `_ HOWTO +++++ - `Code, Documentation, Makefiles `_ - `Setup a test pod `_ - `Troubleshooting `_ Testing +++++++ - `Automation `_ - `Robot testing harness `_ - `voltha-system-tests `_ CLI Tools +++++++++ - `BBSIM `__ - `voltctl `__ Slack +++++ - `voltha-dev `_ - `community `_ - `general `_ Mailing List ++++++++++++ - `voltha-discuss@opennetworking.org `_. Weekly TST Meetings +++++++++++++++++++ - `Zoom Meeting `_. - `Rolling Agenda `_. Website(s) ++++++++++ - `onf/VOLTHA `_ - `docs.voltha.org `_ - `Wiki `_ |