VOLTHA Components: voltha-openolt-adapter ========================================= Dependencies ------------ - update go.mod - grep '/opencord/' go.mod - voltha-protos - voltha-lib-go Validate -------- Versioning ---------- - Based on VERSION file contents in root directory of the repository. Release ------- - Update project copyright notice ending date. - Bump /opencord/ component version(s) in go.mod - make distclean - make lint - if go.mod and go.sum are the only deltas - git commit -F {commit_message_file} - make mod-update - git add vendor/ modified files. - avoid running 'make lint' prior to git commit --amend - vendor/ files modified, git status reports delta w/o content (file touch?) - Review and commit changes. - make lint lint-mod - If docker is configured - make build test - When ready to release a new component version of voltha-openolt-adapter - Bump VERSION file to a non-dev semantic version. - Commit changes and create a pull request. - Once approved a jenkins job will launch.