.. _Operations: Operate BBSim ============= If you are testing basic functionality using BBSim no operator intervention is required. When you ``enable`` the device in VOLTHA the simulator will: - activate all the configured ONUs - wait for the EAPOL flow for each Service that requires it and trigger the authentication state machine as soon as it's received - wait for the DHCP flow for each Service that requires it and trigger the DHCP state machine as soon as it's received BBSimCtl -------- BBSim comes with a gRPC interface to control the internal state. This interface can be queried using `bbsimctl` (the tool can be build with `make build` and it's available inside the `bbsim` container): .. code:: bash $ ./bbsimctl --help Usage: bbsimctl [OPTIONS] Global Options: -c, --config=FILE Location of client config file [$BBSIMCTL_CONFIG] -s, --server=SERVER:PORT IP/Host and port of XOS -d, --debug Enable debug mode Help Options: -h, --help Show this help message Available commands: completion generate shell compleition config generate bbsimctl configuration log set bbsim log level olt OLT Commands onu ONU Commands pon PON Commands service Service Commands Access bbsimctl +++++++++++++++ When running a test you can check the state of each ONU using ``BBSimCtl``. The easiest way to use ``bbsimctl`` is to ``exec`` inside the ``bbsim`` container: .. code:: bash kubectl -n voltha exec -it $(kubectl -n voltha get pods -l app=bbsim -o name) -- /bin/bash In case you prefer to run ``bbsimctl`` on your machine, it can be configured via a config file such as: .. code:: bash $ cat ~/.bbsim/config apiVersion: v1 server: grpc: timeout: 10s Check the ONU Status ++++++++++++++++++++ .. code:: bash $ bbsimctl onu list PONPORTID ID PORTNO SERIALNUMBER OPERSTATE INTERNALSTATE 0 1 0 BBSM00000001 up enabled Check the Service Status ++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. code:: bash $ bbsimctl onu services BBSM00000001 ONUSN INTERNALSTATE NAME HWADDRESS STAG CTAG NEEDSEAPOL NEEDSDHCP NEEDSIGMP GEMPORT EAPOLSTATE DHCPSTATE IGMPSTATE BBSM00000001 initialized hsia 2e:60:00:00:01:00 900 900 false false false 1056 created created created BBSM00000001 initialized voip 2e:60:00:00:01:01 333 444 false true false 1104 created dhcp_ack_received created BBSM00000001 initialized vod 2e:60:00:00:01:02 555 55 false true true 1084 created dhcp_ack_received igmp_join_started BBSM00000001 initialized MC 2e:60:00:00:01:03 550 55 false false false 0 created created created Advanced operations +++++++++++++++++++ In certain cases you may want to execute operations on the BBSim ONUs. Here are the one currently supported, for more usage information use the following commands: .. code:: bash $ bbsimctl onu --help Usage: bbsimctl [OPTIONS] onu Commands to query and manipulate ONU devices Global Options: -c, --config=FILE Location of client config file [$BBSIMCTL_CONFIG] -s, --server=SERVER:PORT IP/Host and port of XOS -d, --debug Enable debug mode Help Options: -h, --help Show this help message Available commands: alarms auth_restart dhcp_restart flows get igmp invalidate_mds list poweron services shutdown traffic_schedulers Enable ONUs +++++++++++ ``BBSimCtl`` gives you the ability to control the device lifecycle, for example you can turn ONUs on and off: .. code:: bash $ bbsimctl onu shutdown BBSM00000001 [Status: 0] ONU BBSM00000001 successfully shut down. $ bbsimctl onu poweron BBSM00000001 [Status: 0] ONU BBSM00000001 successfully powered on. Autocomplete ++++++++++++ ``bbsimctl`` comes with autocomplete, just run: .. code:: bash source <(bbsimctl completion bash) Other APIS ---------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 api.rst